
The Destination stage

January 2020 – March 2020

The final stage of the Independent Care Review

The Destination stage saw the Independent Care Review launch its final conclusions on Wednesday 5 February.

Read the Care Review’s final reports

Between February 2017 and February 2020, the Care Review travelled across Scotland to listen carefully to infants, children and young people in care, and care experienced adults who have selflessly shared their experiences to make positive change a reality.

Over 5,500 people told the Care Review their stories, with more than half having experience of the ‘care system’, and the remaining being members of the paid and unpaid workforce.

The Care Review also considered the research into the ‘care system’ and commissioned its own research to fill knowledge gaps.

It reviewed all of the laws and rules, collected data, and made connections across the ‘roots and branches’ of the ‘care system’.

The Care Review’s conclusions were shaped and guided by stories and experiences of people from across Scotland.
