Since publishing on Wednesday 5 February, there has been a high demand for hard copies of the Independent Care Review’s final reports and there is currently a waiting list for individuals and organisations to receive publications.
Thank you to everyone who has been in touch to request the Care Review’s reports.
A second print run has been ordered and further copies will be made available so that even more people can find out what Scotland must do to make sure its most vulnerable children feel loved and have the childhood they deserve.
Due to the current situation with coronavirus across Scotland, sending hard copies of reports by post will be delayed for a period of time, as the Care Review team are now working remotely in line with Scottish Government advice and are unable to perform office based tasks as normal.
If you would like to learn when hard copies will be available and if you want to be added to the waiting list for The Promise reports, email your name and contact details to:
Remember you can read and download all reports here