The Care Review pledge wall
The Care Review was supported by a wide range of individuals and organisations throughout each stage.
On the 5th of February the Care Review published its conclusions. In The Promise, the Care Review identified five foundations for change, with well over 80 specific changes that must be made to transform how Scotland cares so that all children grow up loved, safe and respected.
Below are some of the pledges of support that have already been made.

Skills Development Scotland
We are sincerely committed to being the best corporate parent we can be. We will listen to our care-experienced customers when they tell us how we can best support them in our drive to improve equality of opportunity, and outcomes, for all of Scotland’s young people.

Carmel Jacob-Thomson
I will remain optimistic and hopeful that positive change is possible. I will ensure that the care experienced voice remains in focus through reflecting on my own experiences and considering the wider narrative. I will not be put off by the challenge and I will continue to pursue a better future for care experienced people.

Councillor Lois Speed
Angus Council
Actively listen. Commit to advocate. To love.

Fiona Robertson
SQA, Chief Executive
We will give care-experienced young people the kind of support that any parent would give their own child, and ensure that all aspects of their development are nurtured. We will do our best to enable care-experienced young people to realise the bright futures they deserve.

Abbie – Skye
Get more involved and give my opinion!

Jeanette Miller
Care Experienced Officer Fife College
Continue to listen to Our care Experienced students and try and engage them in Care Experienced Events and Encourage our care Experienced students to take part in drop In sessions within the college and make sure Our Care Experienced Students are happy within college.

Chris Jones
Stand up for Siblings
To keep in mind “what would my children think and need” in all of my work.

David MacRitchie
Chief Social Work Officer, North Ayrshire
To listen and hear the findings from the Review and ensure that practice in North Ayrshire reflects these findings and that all council and partnership services have responsibility for providing the best possible support and care for looked after children as we would our own children.

Sarah Lacey
Falkirk Council
To support the work of the review. To deliver lasting change in the care system. I will do this by carefully considering the recommendations for change, and breaking down any existing barriers (with partners, the workforce, the community) which will delay or impede progress and required changes.

Eona Craig
Articulate Cultural Trust
… help unlock the creative potential of care experienced young people and the adults who work to support precious dreams and aspirations.

Ronald James MBE
Children’s Panel Member
Ensure that as a member of the Children’s Panel I continue to keep children and young people at the centre of every Hearing in order to give them the best experience possible.

Allan Baird and Laura Beveridge
STOP:GO work group
We pledge to set the bar high identifying excellent care and giving that rocketfuel! We will champion the voice of care experienced people in our everyday lives and in the work that we do. We will ensure that empathy and understanding is at the heart of the journey and will strive to do all we can do keep infants, children and young people connected to their friends and family.

Martin Canavan
Listen and learn from those who have lived experience of care and can speak up for themselves, and do all that I can to make sure the quieter voices are equally heard.

Alison Reid
Clan Childlaw
Would be delighted to help as much as I can with looking at how all the legal processes connect.

Louise Macdonald
CEO Young Scot
…do all I can to ensure that young Scots know about the work of the Care Review – at all stages – and how they can contribute their lived experience and expertise.

Dr Jonathan Sher
Independent Consultant
Assist the Care Review in conducting ‘deep dives’; making recommendations; and, taking actions that address the ‘primary prevention’ issues and opportunities with which the Care Review is willing to deal. These range from preconception health, education and care across the life course through the enduring impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) to implementing the prevention-based statutory duties within Scotland’s Children and Young People Act (e.g. Part 12).

Anne Rooney
1) to contribute to discussions on changes & practice 2) support the sharing of information re the Care Review through SAIA
Boyd McAdam
Chief Executive, Children’s Hearings Scotland
To work within our current legal structures to bring about culture change to pervade love through what we do.

Martin Crewe
Director, Barnardo’s Scotland
I will embrace (and maybe love) the Care Review. Stay deeply involved. Offer support when needed. Be willing to be challenged.

Ensure that adopted children and young people’s voices are listened to as well. Most adopted children and young people have been through care too. Adoption doesn’t mean the care experience didn’t happen. When adopted young people age 16+ experience disruption there is no safety net, option to re-enter care or access to care leaver support. I hope the care review will consider the impact of this.

Listen to the views of all participants of the care review and use them to inform how we develop our services within fostering. Contribute to the Journey by sharing my personal and professional experience of care provision in Scotland.

Brian Logan
Capability Scotland
We will build confidence amongst our staff to make changes in the way we do things in the best interests of the young people we support.

Satwat Rehman
To do all I can to help to design / to create a system that has the child / young person at the centre and is based on love, care and ensuring equality and social justice for all.

Aubrey Fawcett
Chief Executive
To make sure that children in Inverclyde are kept safe and supported to reach their potential.

Helen Rankin
Support for learning practitioner
Support young people with care experience prepare for the world through education, support and sharing life experiences.

Laura M
That if a family member has to be fostered away from parents they are still allowed contact with their family if they are not going for permanence.

Gillian McIntosh
Be committed to getting it right.

To commit 100% to the Care Review + follow up on my promise to my younger self that no child or young person in care will be lost, stuck or silenced by their care identity + I will hold on tight to young people + their stories and ensure they are heard, respected + loved

to continue to love, care, and support all our young people.

1000 Voices Team
1000 Voices pledge to make sure people with care experience can contribute to the Care Review in lots of meaningful ways. We will listen, we will be inclusive, we will engage and we will be creative.
We pledge to support children, young people and adults with care experience by sharing their views, ideas, hopes and dreams with the Care Review to ensure Scotland really does become the best place in the world to grow up.

David Grimm
Use my experiences both good and bad to help the love group grow and develop into a body that will absolutely place LOVE at the heart of our system. This is such a massive priority and I am unbelievably proud to be supporting this work. Also! – there should be lots of doodles to simplify and hopefully enhance our points throughout the process! ❤️

Fiona Aitken
Director, Adoption UK Scotland
Support adopted young people to engage in the Care Review to share their experiences of care and desire for change.

Barnardo’s Scotland
As an organisation operating across the care system, Barnardo’s Scotland is committed to supporting the Care Review in whatever way we can. As a charity we work with children, young people and families across the care system: in early intervention family support services which help to keep children out of care; with children and young people looked after at home; in our fostering and residential services; helping children and young people to transition out of care; and with care leavers, supporting them in all aspects of their lives including housing and employability. As such we hope to enable the voices and experience of a broad range of children and young people, and our varied and highly experienced staff group, to be input to the review.

Scotland Excel
• Ensure the voices of young people are heard through their meaningful involvement in shaping our care contracts;
• Champion the rights of young people, remove the stigma of care and recognise that love is a key component of care;
• Where possible, consider opportunities for care experienced young people both organisationally and through our contracts;
• Ensure that information about what we do is easily understood and accessible, including to the young people who use the services;
• Make innovative, responsive and positive changes to support the findings of the “Journey” phase, to ensure all Scottish children receive the care they deserve;
• Commit to enabling a motivated and committed workforce who are passionate about caring for young people and their wellbeing.

Jade McClellan
Share my care experiences good and bad so that improvements can be made and future children in care have the best life possible.

Sara Smith
To push that you do make changes. Its good to listen, its even better if you act on what you have heard.

Angela Haverstock
….to be pro-active in the Independent Care Review by sharing my personal experiences and the impact this had and still has on me.

Colin Crawford
Head of Children’s Services, Glasgow City Council
To continue to involve care experienced young people in policy decisions being considered in Education services. To continue engagement.

Amanda Ashton-Booth
Ensure that care experienced children and adults are equipped with emotional coping tools to be able to move forward and excel at life!

To work with our local community (friends/neighbours & family) to make the ‘looked after’ experience as good as it can be for the young people we care for. With the assurance that they will remain part of this ‘community’ after formally leaving care.

Always challenge unfairness and encourage sibling contact.

Paula Lowe
Offer any involvement and support I can to enable the journey of the Care Review.

Lynne Harrison
Children’s Hearings Scotland
Root for every single child in Scotland in the work I do.

Peter & Liz Smith
We pledge to help our foster children understand their very complicated birth siblings, full siblings, half siblings and to support them on their journey for knowledge of family and contact with siblings.

Contribute to the Journey phase of the Care Review and help improve care system for the future generations of care experienced young people.

Gerry Skeith
Residential Worker
To help change the Care Review system and to change care altogether so that the centre of concern is not policy to suit the authority but to suit the young people of this country that their interests are first and foremost in our minds.

Robin Duncan
AFA Scotland
To use the links AFA Scotland has with practitioners & carers to build hope and belief in the Review. Hope is infectious – the more people.

Pamela Graham
Head of Learning and Development, STAF
Act as well as listen. Understand as well as act. Love as well as understand.

Robert Dorrian
To be frank, honest. To listen and to learn. To contribute and to relay to the members who elected me. Be an ambassador of their views and commit to ensuring their views are central to discussion.

Carol Beattie
Chief Executive
To continue to work with all our council services to champion care experienced children; to improve and provide the best care experience for our children and young people and to help others understand what it means to “care”.

Universities Scotland
All of Scotland’s universities pledge to offer a place at university to care experienced applicants who meet the new minimum entry requirements to study at university.
This guarantee starts in the new admissions cycle from September, for entry into university in 2020.

Julian Thomson
Re: Connected
Work with employers to create the conditions for Care Experienced individuals to thrive in the workplace.

Carol Hunter
I pledge to work alongside everyone involved to help change the care system to insure that the voices of children and young people are heard and hopefully achieve more positive outcomes for our children & young people

We pledge to channel our passion, commitment and knowledge to help the Care Review achieve the biggest possible successes for children and young people. We offer our ongoing support. If asked, we’ll share our insights, the most up-to-date evidence, and offer support to identify and use data to help the Review to make transformative change. We stand ready to share our reflections and learning from our work with practitioners, carers, children and families.

Iona Colvin
Chief Social Work Adviser, Scottish Government
Align the work I am leading (with COSLA) on Social Care (& work) workframe.

Alan Sorrel
Children’s Panel Member
Ensure that at every Children’s Hearing I always take decisions in the best interests of the children and to do my best to ensure that every child can be safe, allowed to flourish and be protected from any type of harm.n.

Alastair Redpath and Denisha Killoh
Stigma work group
To identify and tackle stigma within the care system to ensure all children and young people growing up in care can live their life without the fear of discrimination.

Gemma Kirk
I will keep fighting for all the CYP I work with, I will keep giving them information, empowering them and supporting them to be heard and get what they need. I will keep talking to people not just professionals to help them understand our CYP. I will keep being brave and keep making changes where I can and help make our children and young people feel safe, respected, wanted and LOVED.

Dale Meller
National Confidential Forum
To support the stages of the Journey with data and evidence from the work of the National Confidential Forum. This will help to ensure that peoples’ historical experiences of care in Scotland in the past contribute to changes to the “care system” both now and in the future.

Gareth Stott
Scottish Borders Council
Use all my experience in skills of working with looked after children over the last 20 years to try and make Scotland’s care system the best in the world.

Joanna McCreadie & Rosanna Moore
Care Review
Love co-chairs
To understand what LOVE means to children, what gets in the way, and how we can all change so every child feels LOVED

Stephen Morgan
Dumfries and Galloway Council
To engage in the work of the Review and to look at the whole “system” in Dumfries & Galloway.

Lorna Holmes
Cyrenians will continue to Champion the work being done & support it in every way we can moving forward.

Susan Taylor
East Ayrshire Council
I will continue to encourage the workforce across social work and social care to think about how we show love in our practice. I will keep asking questions about how we change to benefit children and young people.

Mr A McBierney
To continue to advocate on the behalf of the young people in my care.

Christine Walker
Head of Social Impact
The Robertson Trust
Share findings of Re-framing work & consider how we use similar language. Will use our social media to share messages.

Lisa Smith
Do what I can to support the work and legacy of the Care Review.

Cameron Wylie
Former Principal George Heriot’s School
Assist and support the review in any way they deem helpful. I am the former Principal of George Heriot’s School, with its fine tradition of helping less fortunate children. I am also a trustee of Circle Scotland.

Ryan McShane
Who Cares? Scotland
Encourage all care experienced people to feel open and comfortable to express their experiences with the Care Review. Help them own their care identity and better understand their rights.

Marileigh Barnes
Champions board
Consistently challenge the systems which put barriers in place for our care experienced young people

Sharon Berrie
Who Cares? Scotland
That I will continue to encourage the voices of care experienced young people to be heard so that we can get a ‘care system’ that meets the needs & loves, respects & treats our young people with dignity.

Councillor Susan McGill
Stirling North
To support children and young people to reach their potential; to be happy and healthy. It’s important children and young people have their voices heard and that the decision makers listen to what they are saying, sot that children and young people have influence on policies which affect them. Children and young people are amazing and deserve our respect, support and compassion.

Carol-Ann Crossan Guruge
Barnardo’s Team Manager
Support the outcome of the care review and feed it into practice.

Duncan Dunlop
CEO Who Cares? Scotland
Help care experienced people engage + connect together + feel more comfortable with their care exp/care identity. Enable those care exp people to help Scots feel, understand, + engage with ‘care’ + be part of the solution.

Kibble Education and Care Centre
Continue providing a safe, nurturing environment for children and young people and to help them build brighter, positive futures.
Deliver trauma-informed care and recognise the importance of early intervention.
Help transform the lives of children and young people through the provision of education, training and employment opportunities that meet their needs.
Support young people on their journey to independent living.Give children and young people happy experiences, good memories and help them achieve a sense of belonging.
As a priority, provide care to children and young people in a loving setting.
Ensure there is a constant source of support for children and young people while they’re in our care.
Commit to sharing research and practice to support the Care Review.

Carol Gilmour
To help in any way I possibly can to make Scotland the best country in the world for children to grow up in and to succeed

Carol Thomson
West Dunbartonshire Council
Be emotionally available to you, i will not let fear prevent me from showing you that i care. You wont have to live with people who are frightened to show you love, care and respect. You deserve to be supported & loved & safe and i will champion for this every day whilst im a residential worker.

Iain MacRitchie
Founder, MCR Pathways
To be personally and professionally available at all times to actively support the review process to a successful and complete conclusion. To then work with motivation, commitment and resilience to ensure that the findings are precisely implemented and permanently embedded in every detail, institution, practice, profession, individual, attitude and culture. To ensure our care experienced young people have an equality of education outcomes, job choices and life chances, and are always determined by their talent and potential and never their circumstances.

Neil Hunter
As a leader in the Children’s Hearing system – I pledge to make sure that Children’s Hearing are motivated, and will positively respond.

Amy Woodhouse
Children in Scotland
To see what children in Scotland can do to support the deep dive groups :- where we have a specific role to play.

Marion Gillooly
I will challenge my thinking, my language and my actions to make sure I avoid unconsciously perpetuating “the system”.

Heather Coady
Life Changes Trust
To continue to be a catalyst, a disrupter and to consider how best to contribute to the needed rocket fuel.

Nick Stansfield
Pledge support from SFC’s care experienced Governance Group ie from every college & university in Scotland. We are here to assist.
Ken McKinlay
Children’s Hearings Scotland
Do everything I can to listen to children and young people and learn from what they say.

Phillip Gillespie
Scottish Social Services Council
The SSSC will continue to work with contribute and inform the Review on workforce challenges.

Joanne McMeeking
Head of Improving Care Experiences, CELCIS
For the SIRCC Committee to extend an offer of help if needed/wanted by the Care Review.